Our Members’ meetings are held the fourth Monday of each month at the PGICA building at 7 p.m.

2025 Board of Directors

Carol Barkow, Commodore


Michael Guler, Vice-Commodore

keith feather

Keith Feather, Treasurer

Karen Rolland-d

Karen Rolland, Secretary

Gary Towers

Gary Towers, Director of Cruise

Ruth Sines-Dutcher-d5

Ruth Sines-Dutcher, Director of Social

Joan Erickson


Joan Erickson, Director of Membership
Andy Droitcour

Andy Droitcour, Director of Education

Bobby Conte-d5

Bobby Conte, Past Commodore

Monthly General membership meetings are held on the fourth Monday of each month at 7 p.m. in the PGICA building, located at 2001 Shreve St. in Punta Gorda.

Board Meetings will be at PGICA on the 4th Monday of each month at 9 a.m.

Any member who wishes to attend is invited to do so and will be welcomed. For questions or suggestions, feel free to contact any of the above board members.

This web site is the Mariners’ cruise into cyberspace. Our goal is to keep you current on the many, varied, Mariner activities and to provide information that will make your boating experience safer and more enjoyable.